Stannah mark 40 years of stairlifts with £40k charity donation

  • 2 Apr 2015

Stannah celebrates 40 years with a £40,000 donation to tackle loneliness

Stannah teams up with The Silver Line Helpline to mark 40 years since introduction of Stannah stairlifts.

Stannah 40 years of stairlifts

  • Stannah founded in 1867 to provide cargo hoists and passenger lifts
  • In 1967 added stairlifts to its product range in and began manufacturing in Andover
  • Stannah has installed over 600,000 stairlift units in over 40 countries

The Silver Line Helpline

Founded in 2012, The Silver Line is a charity dedicated to combating the UK’s growing issue of loneliness in old age.

The charity, chosen by Stannah for its relevance across society, provides a confidential free helpline for older people to call for information, friendship and advice.

Stannah £40,000 donation, volunteers & research

  • £40,000 donation to The Silver Line
  • twenty Stannah staff have already signed up to volunteer as Silver Line friends
  • Stannah planning more fundraising events throughout the year
  • Stannah recently published its own research into loneliness amongst the over 65s

Jon Stannah, joint managing director of Stannah Lift Services:

ñLoneliness in older people is an issue that is very near and dear to everyone’s heart here at Stannah. Our Silver Census regularly reveals how lonely the UK’s over 65s can be, often despite the fact that they live reasonably close to their relatives.We are delighted to be working with The Silver Line and supporting a programme that will make a difference in tackling this issue. Hopefully this donation will be another step in making the UK a less lonely place for our country’s older population.î

Dame Esther Rantzen, founder of The Silver Line:

ñI never expected the demand for the Silver Line to be quite as high as it is, with over 350,000 calls having already been answered. We have uncovered a real need for support for those who experience loneliness and isolation. I am thrilled that Stannah have chosen to work with us, not only to make such a generous donation but to also support their staff in further fundraising and volunteering.î

More details of 40 year celebrations

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