Accessible hygiene facility installed at Cambridge University

  • 14 May 2015

The Palma Vita has integrated facilities which wash and dry the user instead of them wiping with paper. It is the only automatic wash and dry toilet developed specifically for disable people, and has various options available to tailor to individual needs.

The Palma Vita is the only automatic wash and dry toilet developed specifically for disable people.

Its efficient process aims to give greater cleanliness for all users, regardless of impairment. The 2013 Building Regulations Approved Document M requires toilet accommodation to be suitable not only for disabled people, but for all people who use the building.

The Department has further chosen to add an extended douche, and touch sensitive switch for simplified operation by people with limited manual or body strength.

Laboratory Superintendent Peter Norman explained: “We needed to provide up-to-date accessible toilet facilities at the Faculty and had already installed a Clos-o-Mat in the student’s accommodation, so this met both requirements.”

The Equality Act

The Equality Act requires service providers to make reasonable changes – including to the built environment – where a disabled person would otherwise be at a substantial disadvantage.

Founded over 50 years ago, Clos-o-Mat is a UK supplier of fully compliant disabled toilet solutions for commercial and residential premises.


Building 1, Brooklands Place,
Brooklands Road,
M33 6SD,
United Kingdom

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