Simon Green, Managing Director of Green Building Design Consultants, who are leading specialists in low carbon building design, shares his thoughts on what the Future Homes Standard will really mean and his predictions for the future of gas.
The international outlook for R&D is remarkably promising despite strong headwinds, according to research released by Ayming Group, the business performance consultancy specialising in innovation.
The UK’s housing market has seen the highest month-on-month growth in property prices since February 2004, which has been fuelled by coronavirus and changing lifestyles.
Chancellor of Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, recently launched the Green Home Grants Scheme, allowing lower income households to receive vouchers of £5,000 or £10,000 towards home improvements to make their homes more energy efficient.
Nic Perrins is the director of Presto PR and a qualified copywriter, proofreader and copy-editor; she has worked with high-profile clients in the construction sector for over 20 years and has now launched a new and affordable solution to these lockdown issues: a kind of ‘Corporate Comms Insurance’.
Construction sites are naturally noisy places, and the impact of this noise must be assessed and monitored to ensure the best possible outcomes for all stakeholders.
With different finance options out there, it can be difficult to know what type of funding you need for your building project – this article will cover that…