Recent research has revealed the average UK homeowner confesses their property would require an estimated spend of £24,200 to be considered in good order.
Becky Cheney, Business Development Manager at ITC Concepts, looks at what the sector can do to bring about change when it comes to women in construction.
Becky Cheney, Business Development Manager at ITC Concepts, looks at what the sector can do to bring about change when it comes to women in construction.
Financial impact of winter storms, first female brickie apprentice, Carillion late payments scam and plans to strip Council’s home build planning powers.
Dame Judith Hackitt’s Review of UK Building Regulations and Fire Safety takes its next step, as its working groups begin meeting to discuss the way forward in different areas of building safety. The early signs are not encouraging.
Medtree, a leading distributor of medical supplies and first aid kits worldwide, are sharing the most up-to-date health and safety requirements for construction.
Latest industry news including the perils powering smart cities, Carillion best in class, church spires boost digital connections, and the world’s tallest wooden skyscraper.