19 October 2016 The autumn statement – a golden opportunity to build confidence Philip Hammond will present his first Autumn Statement next month – a golden opportunity for the government to set the tone for its relationship with British business.
18 October 2016 Build-on-build: Tall solutions to diminishing UK development space GUEST BLOG With building space in the UK at a premium, should we think taller and ‘Build-on-build’ to add height to existing buildings?
17 October 2016 Post-Brexit development lending marketplace – what it means for the construction industry GUEST BLOG: Chris Davidson looks at the impact of Brexit on development lending for the construction industry.
14 October 2016 Passive ventilation solution manufactured in the UK Buildingtalk highlights British manufactured innovations beginning with a new passive ventilation system for schools.
12 October 2016 Death ray buildings and BIPV star at building skins conference Buildingtalk offers some highlights from day two of the Advanced Building Skins conference in Switzerland.
10 October 2016 Architectural revolution with new buildings inspired by nature Howard Chapman, Buildingtalk Editor, at the ‘Advanced Building Skins’ conference in Switzerland to look at what is transforming architectural design.
10 October 2016 Principles of rainscreen cladding and benefits of fibre cement GUEST BLOG: Ged Ferris of Cembrit offers an overview of the benefits of fibre cement as a rainscreen cladding material.
05 October 2016 Isn’t it time Government took climate change and floods seriously? Our climate is becoming warmer, wetter and windier ‘much faster’ than predicted. Isn’t it time the Government took climate change seriously?
05 October 2016 Isn’t it time Government took climate change and floods seriously? Our climate is becoming warmer, wetter and windier ‘much faster’ than predicted. Isn’t it time the Government took climate change seriously?
04 October 2016 10% of suicides in construction industry: how do we improve mental health care? Skanska outline practical action that can improve the mental well being of construction industry workers and reduce the high rate of suicides.