24 May 2016 Can we afford the poor quality housing that cost NHS £1.4bn? Latest BRE report reveals poor quality housing in England is costing society £18.6 billion and is helping bankrupt the NHS.
19 May 2016 Iceland takes a fresh look at the design of communities How the first masterplan in Iceland certified under BREEAM marks a substantial shift in the approach to creating communities.
17 May 2016 Brexit? …should we stay or should we go? Michael Page from Saracen Interiors believes Brexit would have a considerable impact on trade and create labour issues.
17 May 2016 Improving the tenant experience of intelligent buildings Using data to improve efficiencies of intelligent buildings and the lives of the people living or working within them.
17 May 2016 Brexit fears delay big building projects Buildingtalk at Brexit Briefing during Clerkenwell Design Week to assess what impact Brexit could have on the UK construction industry.
16 May 2016 Gearing up for step change in water management GUEST BLOG: Steve Durdant-Hollamby on how integrated water management solutions can impact climate change, extreme weather and flooding.
16 May 2016 How to dispose of office furniture in an environmentally sound way GUEST BLOG: Lyndsey Daykin from Pickfords offers advice on disposing of old office furniture in line with the latest sustainabilty regulations.
13 May 2016 Unintended consequences of cost certainty in public sector construction The government is poised to issue a BIM mandate in 2016 and the question that springs to mind is: why does the government feel that a mandate is justified?
13 May 2016 What action should be taken to stop woodworm? Robert Owen of Timberwise discusses the problems that are associated with a woodworm infestation along with ways of treating the problems.
10 May 2016 Is renewable energy the future? Every scientist claims that renewable energy is the future. It is more a matter of when it will be the world’s number one energy source, not if.