23 March 2016 Keeping things fresh with Passivhaus REHAU’s Malcolm Taylor talks Passivhaus fenestration, ventilation and maintaining a fresh air supply.
22 March 2016 The Health & Safety Event – making the workplace safer Howard Chapman, Buildingtalk Editor reviews the 3 day Health & Safety Event at the NEC.
21 March 2016 Closing the construction industry graduate skills gap GUEST BLOG: Why new construction industry graduate training programmes are needed to fill post-recession skills gap.
21 March 2016 Building homes on brownfield sites is quicker than on greenfield land Land available now to build 1m homes on brownfield sites so why do big developers want more greenfield and greenbelt land?
16 March 2016 Buildingtalk summary of Budget 2016 + industry reaction George Osborne’s Budget plus industry reaction to business tax changes & infrastructure spending + a final word from Jeremy Corbyn.
16 March 2016 New ERP Directive helps drive to more energy efficient products Energy & Sustainability Guest Blog: How the latest ERP Directive is also making life easier for consumers.
16 March 2016 UK-France IFA2 electricity link to secure power supply With growing concern about power shortages, will the new IFA2 European electricity link help keep the lights on in Britain?
14 March 2016 Man base jumps from The Shard in London and lands safely Howard Chapman, Buildingtalk Editor on 400 years of base jumps from some of the world’s tallest structures.
09 March 2016 New Evoke coping range from Marley Alutec at Ecobuild Buildingtalk Editor takes a closer look at the new highly sustainable Evoke coping range from Marley Alutec on display at Ecobuild.
09 March 2016 Mitigating the effects of extreme weather on the building envelope Lee Davies, Technical Director at CA Group, explains about how the effects of extreme weather can be mitigated by the very fabric of the building.