12 February 2016 Judges want to live in Surface Design Awards winning home Howe Farm designed by IPT Architects, announced as the Supreme Winner of Surface Design Awards 2016
09 February 2016 CIOB Art of Building digital photography competition winner A doctor from Bangladesh wins the top prize for Daredevil, his image of a child climbing across the arch of a bridge
09 February 2016 Passivhaus: Green shoots in China? REHAU’s Malcolm Taylor comments on the Chinese Passivhaus market, which is now one of the fastest growing in the world.
09 February 2016 Selling off the London skyline In 2004 all the top 15 London skyscrapers were owned by UK companies – now it’s just 21% – but does it matter?
08 February 2016 World’s largest offshore wind farm to be built off Yorkshire coast Giant Hornsea Project One wind farm will create 2,000 construction jobs and power 1m homes in UK with low-carbon energy.
08 February 2016 World’s largest offshore wind farm to be built off Yorkshire coast Giant Hornsea Project One wind farm will create 2,000 construction jobs and power 1m homes in UK with low-carbon energy.
08 February 2016 Clearing up confusion around the Criterion 3 check on summer heat gain Marcus Eves of Darren Evans Assessments discusses the importance of the Criterion 3 check on how much buildings are being heated via windows.
08 February 2016 Construction bosses urge Heathrow expansion Do construction firms lobby for Heathrow expansion because it’s vital to UK growth or because they want the building work?
08 February 2016 Infrastructure work forecast to rise 56.9% by 2019 UK construction is expected to return to pre-recession levels for the first time this year because of growth in infrastructure spending.
08 February 2016 Sky Mile Tower in Japan will beat climate change Will the new Sky Mile Tower in Japan, double the height of world’s tallest skyscraper, offer a solution to climate change resilience?