  • 11 October 2023

  • 11 October 2023

  • 11 October 2023

F.H. Brundle

11 October 2023

F.H. Brundle: The look of wood – with no hassle

F.H. Brundle’s range of composite decking boards offer a robust, sustainable and easy-to-maintain alternative to timber. They’re incredibly durable and suitable for a variety of outdoor uses.

  • 11 October 2023


11 October 2023

CUPA PIZARRAS CUPACLAD® for Exeter student accommodation

CUPA PIZARRAS’ CUPACLAD® 101 Logic was recently specified by student accommodation provider Study Inn for a large-scale building at Walnut Gardens, Exeter.

  • 11 October 2023


10 October 2023

New Altro Illustra draws inspiration from the natural world

Altro continues to innovate with the launch of Altro Illustra™ – a class-leading safety floor with stunning natural aesthetic designs and the option to go adhesive-free to save carbon, money and time.

  • 10 October 2023

Blade Roofing
  • 10 October 2023

  • 10 October 2023


10 October 2023

ADSA Charity Golf Day ‘Best by Par’

A golf day organised by the Automatic Door Suppliers Association (ADSA) turned out to be its ‘best by par’ raising approximately £3,500 for charity.

  • 10 October 2023


09 October 2023

illbruck’s FR Window Sealing Membrane (ME010) is awarded BBA Certificate

Tremco CPG UK Limited announces that illbruck’s FR Window Sealing Membrane (ME010) has been awarded a new prestigious BBA certificate for its technical performance and durability in service and compliance with building safety and national Building Regulations. illbruck’s FR Window Sealing Membrane is a fully third-party accredited system, when used as a fully air and[…]

  • 09 October 2023