The RENOLIT ALKORPLAN Smart membrane, developed by the RENOLIT Research and Development Department, is the new standard in the roof waterproofing sector.
The expansion, reconfiguration and refurbishment of the London headquarters of a global real estate company has created a workplace fit for the future with wellbeing for people and planet at its heart. Gilberts Blackpool has more…
Catherine Gibson, managing director of CCF, has lent her voice to the important discussion of product traceability following a guest speaker appearance at UK Construction Week.
Last month, the UK government released new damp and mould guidance for landlords. Current government and building industry policy communicates a ‘zero tolerance’ attitude to mould in all sectors of the housing market. Safeguard Europe has more…
VORTICE, which has been UK-based since 1977 and is part of the VORTICE Group, has seen a restructure of the UK division with newly appointed General Manager Stephen Smith.