As responsible manufacturers, Freefoam have a commitment to building support and opportunities throughout the supply chain – step forward the Freefoam Registered Installer programme.
MRA Marketing, the full-service marketing agency specialising in the construction and home improvement markets, has launched a new website dedicated to its specialist research division, MRA Research.
A new combined activation and safety sensor for special door and window requirements is being launched by GEZE UK, in the form of the laser scanner LZR®.
A talk on ‘Building Better Buildings Through Connectivity’ by Spencer Allen of GEZE UK at the Smart Building Show featured the importance of smart planning.
Delta Membranes has launched its newly designed website, intending to have a new uncluttered design, ensuring it’s more user-friendly and easier to navigate.
The Falkland Islands Historic Dockyard Museum features Tinytag temperature and relative humidity data loggers to help identify seasonal environmental patterns.