GEZE UK’s new WinCalc 2.0 online specification platform is sure to save professionals time when faced with complex calculations for the design of window systems.
Orbit Housing’s Fordham House in Stratford-upon-Avon has seen Eurocell’s inexpensive Modus PVC-U windows replace aluminium frames originally specified.
Durapipe’s continued expansion of its BIM portfolio has seen its Friaphon acoustic drainage system become the second of its product ranges to have BIM models made available this year.
FLIR Systems has released the FLIR intelliRock™ III, the first concrete strength and temperature profiling system which features a built-in thermal imager.
Buildingtalk Online Editor Max Banner reported on FLIR’s offerings at this year’s Ecobuild show, which included the launch of their E53. Check out the video and picture content below.
Bradley Cameron, Technical Manager at the Tyvek® and AirGuard® Building Knowledge Centre, has been talking about Tyvek’s new wind uplift calculator tool, designed to give a more accurate assessment to ensure better outcomes.