It was great to read the government is backing the Construction Leadership Council Roadmap to Recovery, according to David J. Symes, Director at Delta Membranes
Since March, all tenants – whether in private or social accommodation – can now sue their landlords if their homes have health-damaging defects, as Safeguard Europe explain here.
Sustainability is at the heart of the Uzin Utz Group’s corporate philosophy and the majority of its product developments have been based on making them more environmentally friendly.
The GGF has received plenty of queries on whether or not Showrooms can be re-opened, following the Government’s Guidance on working in people’s homes being released on 11 May.
As the Government is starting to rejuvenate the economy, the GGF calls on companies to adjust to the safety guidance and ensure all work is carried out as safely as possible.
The Foundation in Hardware online course from the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI) is an ideal option for many in the sector who have been furloughed.
Venues can open their doors to a wider range of people by improving their accessible facilities, while having the cost match funded by the Government, explain Closomat.
Following the GGF’s ‘first to market’ launch of the Safe Guide for Homeowners during the COVID-19 Crisis, the Federation has now launched a complementary Safe Guide for Home Improvement Companies.