A new combined activation and safety sensor for special door and window requirements is being launched by GEZE UK, in the form of the laser scanner LZR®.
Leading British fan manufacturer Vent-Axia has supplied two Sentinel Multivent H central extract units to a refurbished tenement property in Edinburgh New Town.
Airtech has developed a comprehensive service over the last 25 years to offer landlords solutions to overcome the problem of mould and help create healthy homes for residents.
The estates manager of Kingsweston School in Bristol has been full of praise for the Closomat Palma Vita shower (wash & dry) toilet, which has recently been fitted in the school’s new hygiene room.
Following Element Materials Technology’s (Element’s) acquisition of Exova Group Ltd (Exova) last year, Element’s will retain the distinct BM TRADA brand.
A talk on ‘Building Better Buildings Through Connectivity’ by Spencer Allen of GEZE UK at the Smart Building Show featured the importance of smart planning.