  • 16 September 2021


15 September 2021

Panel decision for James Latham – talking innovation

The use of flame retardant panels in construction is far from a new idea, but the innovation in manufacture and performance in panels has been significant, if little understood. Stuart Devoil, Group Head of Marketing at James Latham brings some of that innovation to light.  

  • 15 September 2021

  • 15 September 2021

  • 13 September 2021

  • 09 September 2021

Strand Hardware

07 September 2021

Strand Hardware: Does Your Door Hold a Dirty Secret?

The need for deep cleaning to combat disease has never been more pertinent, especially within health and care sectors. This includes doors – entrances to wards, operating theatres, laboratories, emergency rooms and other public areas, as Strand Hardware explains…

  • 07 September 2021

  • 07 September 2021

  • 06 September 2021

  • 06 September 2021


27 August 2021

Delta: Preventing the Spread of Fire in Basements

Whilst it would be wonderful to have future insight into the world of architecture, basement design and construction, it’s just not a possibility. However, this shouldn’t detract from the industry, looking further than they can see, as Delta explain…

  • 27 August 2021