As the UK workforce commences its gradual return to normality, Contour is excited to introduce its latest product to the market – the Health Check Station.
Ventilation specialist Vortice have said if COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is the crucial importance of clean, fresh, filtered indoor air for our health and wellbeing.
The GGF recently wrote to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, requesting that the Job Retention Scheme was made more flexible to help companies who may only require furloughed workers to return on a part-time basis.
Contour Heating states there is no clear answer to the above question, with the guidelines very much depending on the Local Authority of the given area.
ASSA ABLOY’s new Incedo Business connects all your security software and hardware within one platform. Find out more about it in the following article…
In the last few weeks, the GGF has observed further examples of misinformation around the COVID-19 situation and its impact on the home improvement sector.
Since March, all tenants – whether in private or social accommodation – can now sue their landlords if their homes have health-damaging defects, as Safeguard Europe explain here.
When imagining a corporate data breach, visions of black-hat wearing hackers being pursued by cybercrime investigators may come to mind. The reality is often more mundane, as ASSA ABLOY explain…
The GGF has received plenty of queries on whether or not Showrooms can be re-opened, following the Government’s Guidance on working in people’s homes being released on 11 May.
Freefoam Building Products has released an informative, simple video to illustrate how roofline fitters can carry out work while keeping themselves, colleagues and homeowners safe.