Aggregate Industries’ Contracting division has commenced its introduction of a fleet of the market’s latest pivot-steered rollers, ensuring operatives are ‘always facing forward’.
Cable cleat innovator Ellis has invested £15,000 in new in-house testing technology that it claims will remove a major barrier to entry into a number of new industries.
Mitsubishi Electric recently announced the launch of its new i-NEXT range, the latest from the Mitsubishi Electric Hydronics & IT Cooling Systems portfolio.
Introducing the next move in water management, Alumasc Water Management Solutions is launching the new AX SnapFix Extruded Aluminium Gutter System in the New Year.
MRA Marketing, the full-service marketing agency specialising in the construction and home improvement markets, has launched a new website dedicated to its specialist research division, MRA Research.
A new combined activation and safety sensor for special door and window requirements is being launched by GEZE UK, in the form of the laser scanner LZR®.