12 September 2013

Education sector building boom and Retrofit Roadshows begin

Education sector building boom and Retrofit Roadshows begin I will be at the Timber Expo show [24/25th Sept at NEC], not least because it is the best opportunity this year to see the latest timber technology and new wood products all in one visit – plus visit useful seminars. If you have something new for[…]

  • 12 September 2013

13 August 2013

Should the Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM become mandatory?

Those involved with new residential and non-residential buildings will be all too aware of the amount of paperwork and legislation that accompanies projects of all sizes, and of the number of different organisations that are required to be involved on even the smallest scheme. As well as creating additional costs and delays, such red tape[…]

  • 13 August 2013