• 08 April 2014

  • 08 April 2014

  • 02 April 2014

  • 01 April 2014

01 April 2014

The Simpsons new sustainable eco-house opens in London

The Simpsons new sustainable eco-house under construction The Buildingtalk apprentices, Thomas, Daisy and Jed Chapman, explained that the off-site construction process reduced project construction time and the amount of site disruption was decreased as less work was performed on site.   “As most of the work is performed in the LEGO factory, manufacturing efficiencies can[…]

  • 01 April 2014

  • 27 March 2014

26 March 2014

MCRMA ‘Non fragility of roofs’ guidance on accessing roofs

Metal Cladding and Roofing Manufacturers Association   MCRMA member companies can advise on the suitability and performance of materials, systems and assemblies which may be used within a tested and rated non-fragile roof assembly. In addition, the MCRMA Safety Lines Group has been formed to address industry concerns that the specific requirements for safe work[…]

  • 26 March 2014

25 March 2014

Budget for building boom + making more of UK manufacturing

Budget for building boom making more of manufacturing in the UK George Osborne’s latest Budget put the building and construction sectors right at the heart of a recovery that continues to gather pace – you can read the industry feedback via our summary below.  Major infrastructure projects are boosting the economy plus Barbour ABI report[…]

  • 25 March 2014

  • 25 March 2014

  • 25 March 2014