• 30 January 2014

30 January 2014

First European edition of the classic ‘Building Construction Illustrated’ guide

European Building Construction Illustrated  By Francis DK Ching & Mark Mulville, Published by Wiley, January 2014, £34.99 Paperback, ISBN: 9781119953173 For nearly four decades, the US publication Building Construction Illustrated has offered an outstanding introduction to the principles of building construction. This new European edition provides an overview of the mainstream construction methods used in Europe.[…]

  • 30 January 2014

29 January 2014

Brickwork construction publication launched by the BDA

The mortar chapter explores recommended strengths and specification of movement joints, in addition to construction methodologies with illustrated diagrams showing correct and incorrect application methods and technical guidance. Freestanding and retaining walls are covered, with advice on which bricks to select for erecting stacks, such as frost resistant F2 and S2 or engineering bricks, and[…]

  • 29 January 2014

28 January 2014

70% rise in contracts – how to make the most of growth in 2014

Howard Chapman, Buildingtalk Editor, writes… Balfour Beatty offer advice on how to make the most of a year now promising growth and opportunity. The exhibition season kicks off next month with Build It LIVE: UK offering products, seminars and advice on building or renovating individual homes. Ken Livingstone and Kevin McCloud will be speaking at[…]

  • 28 January 2014

  • 21 January 2014

21 January 2014

Land banks help in house build boom + new video promo service

Howard Chapman, Buildingtalk Editor, writes… UK house sales are at their highest for 6 years, according to RICs, and new house building also booming, with Bovis Homes reporting a 77% growth, and Barratt house sales and profits are up.  However, some politicians say ‘hoarding’ via land banks is holding back building. But major house builders[…]

  • 21 January 2014

  • 15 January 2014

14 January 2014

Get cracking with fracking, latest job vacancies, plus build a home for The Simpsons

Howard Chapman, Buildingtalk Editor, writes… Get cracking with fracking is the message from the UK Prime Minister this week as an energy supply crisis looms.  After years of dithering, including by Ed Miliband when he was Energy Minister, we are facing the prospect of power shortages. So tax incentives to councils are part of a[…]

  • 14 January 2014

08 January 2014

The top Buildingtalk Newsletter stories from last year plus construction prospects for 2014

Howard Chapman, Buildingtalk Editor, writes… We begin this first Buildingtalk newsletter of the year with a quick look back at some of 2013’s most read stories. Almost 500 readers used the link to the Buildingtalk website to read all about the Geberit toilet installed at The Shard, with this highest loo in Europe featuring in[…]

  • 08 January 2014

  • 06 January 2014