The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) has reacted to the new Government guidance for tradespeople working in people’s homes, which has now changed for work being carried out in homes in England only.
To help GGF Members cope during the COVID-19 crisis, the federation has set up several platforms and communications channels under a new service, entitled ‘Business Continuity Support’.
Mitsubishi Electric has announced the availability of its 2020 Product Catalogue, highlighting its range of market leading solutions to cool, heat and ventilate the nation’s commercial and domestic buildings.
Best practice examples identified in a new checklist for local housing adaptations provision can already be met by a little care in supply chain selection, courtesy of Closomat.
Maintenance and supply are preventing an increased uptake of alternative fuels, despite industry appearing to fully embrace environmental targets according to a new report from Aggreko.
After the launch of Climate Emergency Design Guide from the London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI), REHAU is highlighting the ongoing initiatives in uPVC technology.