24 February 2015

Paint, products and price reductions in Toolstation’s latest catalogue

Catalogue 58 will feature Crown Paints’ Contract range of paints which can also be found in the company’s stores Crown Paints’ new paint range includes a quick dry satin and gloss as well as vinyl matt emulsion, undercoat and high gloss and satin. All of these will be included in the latest edition of Toolstation’s[…]

  • 24 February 2015

24 February 2015

New paving range featured in Gardens and Drives catalogue

The latest edition of Brett’s Gardens and Drives catalogue showcases the company’s paving ranges through a series of visuals For 2015, the catalogue has been re-developed and printed in a landscape format. With the aim of focusing on the aesthetics of its paving rather than swamping readers with technical information, Brett’s catalogue heavily features lifestyle[…]

  • 24 February 2015

20 February 2015

Sustainability report reveals economic progress

Within its latest sustainability report, Knauf Insulation reveals how its recent ventures and products have helped the environment In the report, it is announced that Knauf Insulation has reduced its energy usage by 14%. The report also reveals that the company has cut its CO2 emissions by 12% and achieved zero waste to landfill for[…]

  • 20 February 2015

19 February 2015

New guidance for the specification of non-fragile rooflights

NARM’s new guidance document has been produced to reduce specification errors for non-fragile rooflights Walk-on rooflights are high specification glass structures designed to floor loadings. They are unsuitable for most rooflighting applications. Specifiers often refer to walk-on specification, which demonstrates their confusion; their requirement is actually for a non-fragile rooflight. The National Association of Rooflight[…]

  • 19 February 2015

11 February 2015

Healthcare Colour Book released by Crown Paints

Crown Paints has created its Healthcare Colour Book to show how colour can be used to improve hospital and healthcare environments The company’s Healthcare Colour Book is 48 pages long and has been made up of visual features that are accompanied by written information and guidance. The booklet includes information on the relationship between colour[…]

  • 11 February 2015

05 February 2015

Replacement window industry let down by Green Deal

The new statistics that suggest the replacement window industry is not profiting from Green Deal and ECO schemes were released by the DECC According to the statistics, only 17 window installations had taken place using Green Deal Finance by November 2014. The number of windows installed using ECO funding included 999 via the Carbon Saving[…]

  • 05 February 2015

26 January 2015

New insulated roof panel installation guide from MCRMA

‘A guide to site installation of insulated roof panels’ has been released by MCRMA and can be accessed online The company’s new guidance leaflet aims to outline the issues that can have an impact on the installation of insulated roof panel systems. The guide informs its readers on how to install insulated panels which include[…]

  • 26 January 2015

21 January 2015

Newton Waterproofing Systems featured in building magazine

The editor of Future Constructor and Architect Magazine contacted Newton Waterproofing Systems to request an article for its Technical Focus feature Newton Waterproofing Systems’ article addresses the considerations that installers should make when using cavity drain systems to waterproof refurbishment or new-build basement projects. The article suggests that incorporating a drainage conduit, such as Newton[…]

  • 21 January 2015

15 January 2015

MCRMA offer snow load guidance for metal cladding

MCRMA’s ‘Guidance for Snow Loading on Cladding’ is available for all those involved in the cladding specification process to read Heavy snow has the capacity to cause damage to buildings but a resistance to snow loading can be established if the roof cladding and supporting structure are specified correctly. MCRMA’s ‘Guidance for Snow Loading on[…]

  • 15 January 2015

  • 19 August 2014