While conservation officers are keen to ensure the use of traditional lime-based plasters and renders on listed and heritage buildings; Safeguard Europe are suggesting better options.
The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 could herald an increase in tenant complaints against landlords, according to new research by YouGov, commissioned by Safeguard.
Tyvek® & AirGuard® systems create a robust, airtight and energy-efficient building envelope inside and out with its enhanced range of tapes and accessories.
MRA Research, the specialist research division of MRA Marketing, asked building and home improvement product suppliers what they thought the impact of Brexit would be.
In April 2018, the Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) appointed Kevin Buckley as interim Group Chief Executive, with the appointment made permanent in October.
MRA Research recently conducted a survey, whereby merchants, suppliers and other construction industry stakeholders were asked about their views on Brexit.