When construction industry titan Galliford Try wanted to raise skill levels amongst its staff, the company turned to British Gypsum and its Site Manager training course to get results.
Airtech has developed a comprehensive service over the last 25 years to offer landlords solutions to overcome the problem of mould and help create healthy homes for residents.
The Builders Merchants Federation (BMF) recently hosted the Builders Merchant Building Index’s (BMBI) third annual Round Table debate at its offices in Coventry.
With the appearance of a handcrafted tile and the robust performance of concrete, the BMI Redland Heathland tile has proven perfect for a Surrey development.
Following Element Materials Technology’s (Element’s) acquisition of Exova Group Ltd (Exova) last year, Element’s will retain the distinct BM TRADA brand.
John Newcomb, Chief Executive of the Builders Merchant Federation, talks about the importance of maintaining strong relationships with European builders and manufacturers post Brexit.
The Association of Noise Consultants (ANC) has called for a more consistent approach to acoustics, in order to protect society from the impact of excess noise.
The GAI is partaking in the review of the process for specifying, supplying, installing and maintaining construction products, as part of Dame Judith Hackitt’s ‘Building a Safer Future’ programme.