The courtyards and outdoor public spaces at Greenwich Peninsula’s unique new creative industries quarter is set for flexible use all year round, thanks to 19 in-ground power units from Pop Up Power Supplies®.
A major development project at Wales’ largest castle will see the creation of a range of exciting new visitor facilities, via the help of Pop Up Power Supplies®
Acoustic secondary glazing manufactured and supplied by Granada Glazing has created warmer and quieter apartments for residents in Murrays’ Mills, Ancoats.
The annual GGF Chairpersons’ Forum, featuring all the GGF’s technical groups, committees, regions and countries, took place via video conference on 18th March.
Pilkington United Kingdom Limited has developed AviSafe™ – a new glass with a special coating designed to help prevent birds from colliding with windows.
A refurbishment and extension to a sports centre in Sunderland has seen Helmsman Lockers and Cubicles design, supply and install a range of lockers and seating
The architect of The Jade, a new mixed-use development in downtown Nova Scotia, Canada, turned to the Pilkington product portfolio and chose to deploy Pilkington Suncool™ 50/25.