23 May 2018

SWISSPACER is ‘conservation approved’ for Prescot Windows

Fabricator and installer Prescot Windows is a strong believer in using SWISSPACER for all of its windows; from PVC-U to aluminium, its sealed units include SWISSPACER, for performance that lasts the lifetime of the window.

  • 23 May 2018

  • 23 May 2018

  • 23 May 2018


22 May 2018

Hope Street Xchange gets positive outlook from Senior

Aluminium glazing solutions from Senior Architectural Systems have been used to create a light and spacious design, meeting the thermal, acoustic and aesthetic needs of a new commercial development in Sunderland.

  • 22 May 2018


18 May 2018

Ugly House to Lovely House showcases Wienerberger

Bricks from Wienerberger have starred in the development of Nottingham Mews House, which featured on the Channel 4 show ‘Ugly House to Lovely House’. Based in The Park Estate near Nottingham Castle, Nottingham Mews House on Ogle Drive, despite sitting in a picturesque location, had a structure that was in dire need of renovation to its external facade. The original[…]

  • 18 May 2018

CR Laurence

17 May 2018

Through the looking glass with CR Laurence

Glass balustrades and balconies are a key trend in both external and internal architecture but there are a number of considerations that specifiers should be aware of, as Simon Boocock, managing director of CRL, explained

  • 17 May 2018

  • 17 May 2018

  • 17 May 2018

Ketley Brick

16 May 2018

Engineering excellence – an article from Ketley Brick

Dr. Geoff Edgell, of Lucideon, outlines the critical performance characteristics of engineering bricks and highlights the importance of selling products that are truly fit for purpose.

  • 16 May 2018


16 May 2018

Cladding: For Coast, Country & City from Freefoam

Freefoam has launched a new colour to its popular Weatherboard style cladding range, in response to market demand and feedback from customers.

  • 16 May 2018