11 May 2015

New open cell ceiling system boasts contemporary aesthetic

A Tricell system was designed to fit Santiago Airport’s “Y” shaped departure lounge Tricell has been designed to provide an alternate cell pattern for a monolithic aesthetic. The system allows for easy airflow management and rapid smoke extraction; these are crucial attributes in high traffic areas, such as airports, shopping centres and commercial offices. Easy[…]

  • 11 May 2015

30 April 2015

Linear ceiling range updated with SAS System 750 Tubeline

Offering greater flexibility and enhanced aesthetics, the Tubeline is a design-led linear ceiling system which has been developed for applications such as smoke extraction, thermal cooling and chilled beam integration. The Tubeline offers enhanced flexibility and aesthetics over its predecessors. Tubeline provides specifiers with a flexible and highly visual treatment to functional applications. The product[…]

  • 30 April 2015

05 March 2015

Versatile building board at National Homebuilding and Renovating Show

Cembrit’s PB Flex building board is suitable for use on curved walls and ceilings Cembrit will be exhibiting its products and services on Stand F125 at the National Homebuilding and Renovating Show. Its range of fibre cement and natural roof slates will be on display along with its Cembonit cladding board and Cemwood weather board.[…]

  • 05 March 2015

26 January 2015

Saint-Gobain video celebrates 350th anniversary

Saint-Gobain 350th anniversary Saint-Gobain’s history dates back to 1665, when it was formed to produce glass on an industrial scale for the famous Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, the royal palace of King Louis XIV of France. It’s one of the oldest companies in the world and the longest standing member of[…]

  • 26 January 2015

04 December 2014

Cembrit PB Flex provides a stable base for curved rendering

Cembrit PB Flex enables curves to be created Cembrit PB Flex for curved walls, beams, columns, arches and vaulted ceilings   Cembrit PB is a versatile building board providing a stable base for a range of internal and external applications.  Low water absorbency makes Cembrit PB ideal for use as a tile backer board for[…]

  • 04 December 2014

14 November 2014

Expanded polystyrene makers adopt ‘airpop’ name

Airpop expanded polystyrene EPS renamed Brand name airpop¬ now replaces many names previously used across Europe including Styropor, PSE, Piepschuim and Polyfoam bringing a common European name for the material. David Emes, Chairman of the BPF EPS group: ñAirpop has been chosen because the name immediately brings to mind what the material is made of[…]

  • 14 November 2014

13 November 2014

Ecophon Focus LP system creates acoustic ceiling linear design

Ecophon’s Focus Lp is the only acoustic ceiling on the market that creates the sharp linear lines in a room that designers and installers choose to provide a sense of direction.  Standard option is available in various panel sizes including a new 300mm panel. Additional options offered by Focus Lp Premium enable designers to discreetly[…]

  • 13 November 2014

27 October 2014

Ceiling tile diffuser features discrete lay

Waterloo Air Products’ LCT20 ceiling tile diffuser (in black) Designed not to be seen The new LCT20 lay on ceiling tile diffuser is a key part of the comprehensive range of ceiling products Waterloo Air Products. available in a range of sizes to suit specific flow ranges supplied in black (RAL9005) as standard optional acoustic[…]

  • 27 October 2014

  • 07 July 2014

  • 10 March 2014