Sika Sarnafil’s single ply roofing membrane has been installed on the UK’s first dedicated centre for stroke and dementia research at the University of Oxford.
Delta’s Type C Waterproofing System has provided the perfect solution for a vaulted basement situated close to the city centre of Leeds, allowing for the creation of an additional office and music studio.
Newton Waterproofing Systems is offering an online RIBA-approved CPD video that architects and specifiers can watch for free from an office or at home, at any convenient time.
Latest figures from Safeguard Europe show Dryrod damp-proofing rods have become the preferred method of remedial damp-proof course delivery among installers.
Newton Waterproofing has launched its new website, showcasing the company’s advanced range of waterproofing materials and Type A, B and C waterproofing systems.