Delta Membranes is delighted to have been given permission by the PCA to deliver the Certificated Surveyor in Structural Waterproofing course at its HQ.
The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 could herald an increase in tenant complaints against landlords, according to new research by YouGov, commissioned by Safeguard.
One of the busiest buildings at the University of Dundee has benefited from a complete replacement of its waterproof roofing, with Alumasc Derbigum Olivine roofing membranes.
Newton’s product portfolio is expanding once again, now including a comprehensive range of injection resins, suitable for the remedial repair of cracks in concrete that can lead to water ingress.
Safeguard Europe now offers a choice of products in its Dryzone range to deliver a high-quality decorative finish that may be required following decontamination