29 April 2015

Creating 3D building envelopes with new façade system

Schueco is constantly working to develop its system façades into three-dimensional geometric building envelopes. With its new Parametric Façade System, it is able to offer architects a higher level of design freedom. Designed to make the bespoke mass production of free-foam façades affordable for all, the system allows architects to design geometrically complicated system solutions[…]

  • 29 April 2015

28 April 2015

Damp treatment system achieves BBA certification

The damp treatment system, designed by Safeguard, aims to condense the process of treatment for rising damp, re-plaster and re-decoration to 24 hours. The BBA issued its Agrément Certificate to Dryzone Express Replastering System for use on existing internal walls, to act as a barrier against salt and moisture transfer follwing the insertion of a[…]

  • 28 April 2015

22 April 2015

Sustainable heating system for the industrial and commercial market

With climate change an increasing concern, we are using renewable energy sources, such as the sun and the wind, to heat our buildings. Unfortunately, many renewable technologies are unsuitable for the large steel clad structures which are used for diverse buildings, such as leisure centres, factories and retail outlets. Sustainable living can also come at[…]

  • 22 April 2015

20 April 2015

Impact of thermal bridging on condensation and mould growth

Condensation and mould growth Impact of thermal bridging on condensation and mould growth To identify areas where there is a risk of condensation and therefore mould growth in different design situations, a ‘surface temperature factor’ (fRsi) can be used. It allows surveys under any thermal conditions and compares the temperature drop across the building fabric,[…]

  • 20 April 2015

17 April 2015

Hollowcore & Schock innovation benefits PFI Extra Care scheme

Schock and Hollowcore innovation: Case Study PFI Extra Care complex at Knowsley, Merseyside. Bluebell Park Extra Care Facility built on the site of the former Wingate Towers flats contractor Bullocks Construction  designed by PRP Architects for Knowsley Housing Trust Bluebell Park Extra Care Facility homes benefits from speedier build time by using off-site manufacturing that[…]

  • 17 April 2015

17 April 2015

Schöck Isokorb prevents thermal bridging at new Irish distillery

CASE STUDY: Schöck prevents thermal bridging at Irish distillery development The new Still House (Courtesy of Wain Morehead Architects) Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard €100 million is being invested in new plant to double the capacity at Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard development of its main distillery in Midleton, County Cork. When complete, Midleton will be one[…]

  • 17 April 2015

17 April 2015

Hollowcore and Schöck innovation benefits PFI Extra Care scheme

Schöck and Hollowcore innovation: Case Study PFI Extra Care complex at Knowsley, Merseyside. Bluebell Park Extra Care Facility built on the site of the former Wingate Towers flats contractor Bullocks Construction designed by PRP Architects for Knowsley Housing Trust Bluebell Park Extra Care Facility homes benefits from speedier build time by using off-site manufacturing that[…]

  • 17 April 2015

15 April 2015

Schöck thermal bridging solution at Canada Water Library

New Canada Water Library Schöck thermal bridging solution at Canada Water Library – 3,165 sq m library partly overhangs the lake and in style resembles an inverted pyramid Led by Southwark Council and BL Canada Quays Ltd, the Canada Water regeneration programme is a key part of the new town centre for Rotherhithe in London[…]

  • 15 April 2015

15 April 2015

MDF panels used to create 3D feature wall designs

Medite Premier MDF panels were used to bring the contemporary designs to life Signbox, an architectural sign specialist, was contracted to construct several feature wall designs for UBM. The feature walls have been installed at the entrance to each floor of the media company’s new headquarters, which are located in Blackfriars, London. The decorative walls[…]

  • 15 April 2015

13 April 2015

Isokorb thermal break modules for Skanska ModernaHus MMC

CASE STUDY: Skanska ModernaHus MMC development Architects drawing of the finished ‘Fabrik on Coldharbour Lane’ project in Brixton, South London A radical new Swedish approach to residential construction is being used for the first time in the UK on the project known as ‘Fabrik on Coldharbour Lane’ in Brixton, South London.   This ModernaHus system is[…]

  • 13 April 2015