Rinnai has announced that it will be holding three contractor/installer-based training courses over the coming months at the company’s purpose-built training facility in Runcorn, Cheshire.
Over two decades after installation, The Kingspan KoolDuct System is continuing to deliver supreme thermal comfort, humidity control and ventilation performance at the National Library of Wales.
When social landlord Contour Homes was looking for a new chiller, the installation of three Mitsubishi Electric EAHV-P900YA-N e-series heat pump chillers was recommended.
Gilberts Blackpool has ensured a new state-of-the-art facility for a cadets’ shooting range has seen air quality balanced with airflow to avoid interference with ballistic trajectory.
Vent-Axia have reflected on how consumer awareness of the possible health impacts of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is rising nationwide, so says a recent survey by BEAMA – My Health My Home.
The staff team at Rinnai have raised several thousand pounds for the British Heart Foundation after completing the recent London to Brighton Bike Ride.
In a piece by Vortice, the company says unless we take steps to ventilate our homes and workplaces correctly, the air we breathe can be fifty times more polluted than outdoor air.
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