Before tiling kitchens or bathrooms, it’s essential to plan ahead to avoid any problems that could occur. Here, Saint-Gobain Weber looks at how to choose the right products to deliver a high-quality finish for every tiling project.
A development by Galliard Homes at Church Road in the area of Leyton in London is one of the first in the UK to showcase the benefits of the cutting edge Zeroth Energy System, from Glen Dimplex.
Most modern radiators are designed to withstand a certain degree of rust and corrosion. But, in moisture-rich environments like bathrooms and wet rooms, you should ensure are coated with magnelis steel. Contour explains more…
The atmosphere in a ‘world class’ space for the curation of cultural artefacts, music, song and dance is being set through a continuous linear approach from Gilberts Blackpool.
When it comes to low surface temperature radiators and other heating products, what’s being done to keep these clean? Contour discuss the method to clean and maintain LST radiators.
Hambleside Danelaw announces a new initiative to help fill the skills gap in roofing. The Hambleside Danelaw Hub will be a centre of knowledge, which can be completed anywhere with an internet connection!