CHAS, the supply chain risk management expert, has joined forces with the Supply Chain Sustainability School to introduce the Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR) Growth Assessment.
Find the newly refurbished Geberit OnTour truck at this month’s InstallerSHOW. The event is set to be an immersive experience for visitors, with products to try, experts to grill and competitions to win.
More than 70 schools and early learning centres in Renfrewshire, Scotland, are benefitting from improved security, key control and key management, as a result of upgrading to ASSA CLIQ® Remote.
Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK) returned to the Buying Groups National Flooring Show (BGNFS) in May where the not-for-profit association reported growth in support from the manufacturing sector.
Brick manufacturer Vandersanden is introducing BrickDrive in its factory in Spouwen, Belgium. BrickDrive is in line with its digital ambition – to make life easier for its customers.
As the UK’s leading supplier of waterproofing systems, Newton Waterproofing consistently works to help architects and developers achieve the next step.
Bette has added a new online product configurator to its website. This will make the planning of its baths, washbasins, shower trays and shower floors easy and accurate.