With hectic environments and hard-working doctors and nurses, it is important that the installation process within hospitals is quick and easy, explains Contour…
Wedding ceremonies have been made more peaceful at Reading Town Hall, following acoustic adaptations from Selectaglaze to block noise from the town centre.
Installing radiators in a live environment poses unique challenges for the installer, which are amplified in care-cantered environments, such as hospitals, as Contour explain here…
Sales to builders and contractors by Britain’s builders’ merchants in December 2020 were 8.8% higher than in the same month the year previous, according to BMBI Stats.
At Axion Polymers, women hold key roles in a number of areas from management and finance to process engineering and laboratory research. Find out more here…
The GGF has welcomed the Governments’ recent unveiling of their roadmaps to recovery, but remains cautious after many false starts to the recovery over the past year.
Balancing the creation of a positive environment for health and wellbeing, with the needs of a medium secure mental health unit, has been achieved simply, safely and effectively by Gilberts.