Elfab, a global manufacturer of pressure relief products, has chosen a high performance fire system from Advanced for installation at its corporate HQ and manufacturing facility.
Trivallis, one of the largest social landlords in Wales, chose the free-of-charge roof specification service offered by Redland when tasked with re-roofing the Maerdy estate in Rhondda, South Wales.
Lucion Services has continued to develop its new digital app, which combines data from asbestos surveys with 3D modelling technology to enhance safety and risk management assessments in buildings.
The roof of an occupied 1930s art deco municipal office building, situated in Blackpool, has had Kemper System’s Stratex Warm Roof system, using its Kemperol V210, specified for it.
Alumasc Rainwater, part of Alumasc Water Management Solutions, has featured in part of phase one of a £48m project to redevelop the Royal Edinburgh Hospital
Glaston-based consulting engineers and surveyors, Smithers Purslow, is celebrating 40 years in business in May and to mark the milestone the firm plans to raise over £40,000 for national and local charities.