03 May 2017 New guidance on efficient toilet facilities provision Posted on 3rd May 2017 by Tom Rowbottom A new guidance document has been launched by Clos-o-Mat, covering the provision of Changing Places and Space to Change accessible toilet facilities.
03 May 2017 Durapipe unveils BIM models for HTA pipe, fittings and valves Posted on 3rd May 20173rd May 2017 by Tom Rowbottom Durapipe has released a range of BIM models for its HTA range of pipe, fittings and valves, available through its website.
03 May 2017 Nu-Heat provides underfloor heating and high acoustic performance solution for apartment conversion project Posted on 3rd May 20173rd May 2017 by Emma Jarrett Nu-Heat was recently tasked with the design and supply of an underfloor heating system for an apartment conversion project in Paddington, London.
02 May 2017 JDP celebrates its 45th anniversary with expansion, growth and investment Posted on 2nd May 2017 by Emma Jarrett JDP is celebrating 45 years in water management by driving investment in new branch openings, continuous branch improvement and expanding the company.
27 April 2017 ROCKWOOL on the impact of noise in London Posted on 27th April 2017 by Emma Jarrett ROCKWOOL UK has published a report on the impact of noise in London.
26 April 2017 Rain Bird’s flexible IQ-Cloud and TBOS battery irrigation controller Posted on 26th April 201710th May 2017 by Emma Jarrett Rain Bird’s IQ-Cloud platform and TBOS battery irrigation controller combination ensure higher levels of scalability and flexibility over the internet.
25 April 2017 Megaman provides lighting solution for Symi art gallery Posted on 25th April 201725th April 2017 by Emma Jarrett Megaman provided various lights and fixtures to illuminate art pieces and create a natural and comfortable level of light in an art gallery in Greece.
24 April 2017 New AquaClean Tuma shower toilet from Geberit Posted on 24th April 201724th April 2017 by Emma Jarrett Geberit’s new AquaClean Tuma shower toilet, an enhancement toilet seat for retro-fitting, will be available from April.
11 April 2017 Aggregate Industries provides heat transfer properties for new care home Posted on 11th April 2017 by Emma Jarrett Aggregate Industries’ Highflow S flooring screed was installed at the new Gower Gardens residential care home in Halesowen, Birmingham.
05 April 2017 Gatic rewards members of staff for hard work Posted on 5th April 2017 by Emma Jarrett Gatic Civil Drainage has rewarded two members of staff with role promotions to recognise their continuing success with the company.