As responsible manufacturers, Freefoam have a commitment to building support and opportunities throughout the supply chain – step forward the Freefoam Registered Installer programme.
Delta Membranes have analysed the immense focus on sustainability and renewable resources, which is believed to have made it hard to fathom why any products are made from virgin material.
Delta Membranes have analysed the immense focus on sustainability and renewable resources, which is believed to have made it hard to fathom why any products are made from virgin material.
A luxury new development of a former John Lewis building has been enhanced by the supply and installation of the UK’s premium timber window and door brand, Lomax + Wood.
Large sized anthracite facade panels and high-contrast golden perforated balcony claddings from Bruag feature in two newly built multifamily houses in the Swiss city of Kilchberg.
Cable cleat innovator Ellis has invested £15,000 in new in-house testing technology that it claims will remove a major barrier to entry into a number of new industries.
Total Builders Merchants value sales to roofers, builders and contractors in October 2018 were the highest of any month since the start of BMBI data in July 2014.