23 April 2015

Paving solution meets structural and aesthetic requirements

Ashridge Contractors enlisted the help of Brett Landscaping to create a durable paving solution with the ability to withstand vehicular traffic. To create an aesthetically pleasing solution with these specific structural requirements, Brett’s team advised combining its Alpha Antique block paving with its new Lugano Black Fleck Kerbs. A combination of Brett’s Alpha Antique paver[…]

  • 23 April 2015

14 April 2015

JB Anti-Slip timber boardwalk for National Cycle Network

National Cycle Network New JB Anti-Slip timber boardwalk for the National Cycle Network The collaboration of Sustrans (a charity supporting the use of walking, cycling and public transport) with Cheshire West, Chester Council and Flintshire County Council has seen the completion of improved cycle routes from North Wales to the Wirral Way. The cycle path[…]

  • 14 April 2015

07 April 2015

New edition of ‘SuDS + Permeable Paving Today’ guide

New edition of ‘SuDS + Permeable Paving Today’ guide from Interpave SUDS + PERMEABLE PAVING TODAY New Guide from Interpave Reviews of latest government measures for implementation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) New Government requirements from April 2015 Now a planning issue Urban design opportunities Bringing water to landscaping The latest SuDS measures offer new[…]

  • 07 April 2015

02 April 2015

Anti-slip Plus deck boards for River Clyst Cycle Bridge and boardwalk

Decking for River Clyst Cycle Bridge and boardwalk John Brash decking specified by Devon County Council as the ‘optimum solution’ for a River Clyst Cycle Bridge and boardwalk The River Clyst Cycle Bridge and boardwalk provides an extension to the Exe Estuary National Cycle Route. The vision behind the path specification was that visitors to[…]

  • 02 April 2015

25 March 2015

Anti-slip deck boards selected for Bristol housing development

JB CitiDeck deck boards were used to complete each apartment’s private balcony or terrace area A recent project, which has seen the development of new homes in Portishead, is in its final phase. Ninety4 on the Estuary is the last part of the project: a series of apartments have been built on the Marina, overlooking[…]

  • 25 March 2015

24 February 2015

New paving range featured in Gardens and Drives catalogue

The latest edition of Brett’s Gardens and Drives catalogue showcases the company’s paving ranges through a series of visuals For 2015, the catalogue has been re-developed and printed in a landscape format. With the aim of focusing on the aesthetics of its paving rather than swamping readers with technical information, Brett’s catalogue heavily features lifestyle[…]

  • 24 February 2015

19 February 2015

Natural stone paving for police training centre

Brett Landscaping provided the training centre with its Fens Moss Yorkstone paving and its Omega block paving which are both manufactured using UK sourced natural stone The new Carr Gate training centre has been developed by Interserve to house training facilities for West Yorkshire Police. The training school, which has been built for use by[…]

  • 19 February 2015

  • 16 July 2014

28 November 2013

Getting on with SuDS

It is generally accepted that a sustainable approach to surface water drainage using SuDS must play a key role in responding to climate change and increasing urbanisation. The Government has acted with the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 which will effectively make SuDS mandatory, when eventually implemented, and will apply to any construction work[…]

  • 28 November 2013