George Parker, Director of Pop Up Power Supplies, answers five of the most common questions asked by specifiers and site owners regarding power distribution units for outdoor spaces.
The latest total value sales data from Britain’s Builders’ Merchants shows Q2 2022 recorded the highest revenue since the BMBI started, despite lacklustre June sales.
Easy and trouble-free installation, resulting in a reduced installation time, is just one of the features of F.H. Brundle’s Fortitude range of ready-to-install wall top steel railings.
Many of the UK’s town and city centres are being redefined to ensure they fit more closely with today’s urban lifestyles and the expectations of tourists. Pop Up Power Supplies has more…
The success of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend provides us with a powerful insight into how much the public enjoy outdoor events. Pop Up Power Supplies has more…
Betafence is one of Europe’s top suppliers of quality fences, gates, gabions and more – and buying them from long-standing F.H. Brundle comes with a whole range of benefits.
EverEdge has some exciting news, as it launches some new products. The company is adding to its Classic page 150mm high edging in brown, slate and black.
EverEdge is proud to manufacture 100% of its products in Britain. EverEdge steel lawn edging, planters and raised beds have been made in the Midlands for over 25 years.