
07 September 2020

Lakes’ virtual showroom ushers in a new era for sales, says Fayers

Fayers is the first independent merchant to launch Lakes’ innovative online showroom platform to its trade customers, and the first retailer to present the new shopping experience to consumers through the Just Add Water website.

  • 07 September 2020


27 August 2020

Lakes and BMA campaign to get bathroom installers back to work safely

Lakes, one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of showering spaces, has produced two free ‘Safe Working in the Home’ guides – one for bathroom installers and one for homeowners.

  • 27 August 2020


10 August 2020

Geberit Pro app provides support at touch of button

Geberit Pro, the smartphone app for android and iOS, offers busy installers time-saving functionality and support at the touch of a button. 

  • 10 August 2020


30 July 2020

Lakes awarded Best Bathroom Manufacturer three years running

At the BMJ Industry Awards on Friday 17 July, leading manufacturer of showering spaces, Lakes, won the prestigious ‘Best Bathroom Manufacturer’ award for the third consecutive year.

  • 30 July 2020


22 July 2020

Ready-mix or powdered tile adhesive: what’s the difference? Saint-Gobain Weber ask

Ready-mix and powder adhesives have their advantages and disadvantages. The real difference is in the chemistry of how the products dry. But what does that mean in practice? Saint-Gobain Weber explains…

  • 22 July 2020

  • 16 July 2020

  • 22 June 2020

Saint-Gobain Weber
  • 05 June 2020

  • 01 June 2020


20 May 2020

Improve facilities, attract customers, get Government support – Closomat

Venues can open their doors to a wider range of people by improving their accessible facilities, while having the cost match funded by the Government, explain Closomat.

  • 20 May 2020