Each property took two days to be fitted with the Quantum heaters as part of the £10m contract and tenants will benefit from lower energy bills due to the new system.
The product is available in over 14,000 colours and can be used by specifiers as evidence for building certification schemes, such as BREEAM and SKA due to its attainment of EPD.
The BDA maintains its stance on the necessity to understand the reasons for flooding and has spoken of the importance of the government, architects and house builders to adopt new buildings standards and design strategies to combat the devastation that flooding causes in properties.
Suitable for use alongside Schueco AWS, AWS BA and AWS WF window systems, the vent is inward opening and can be opened and closed by hand or by TipTronic motor drives that can be linked to a central building management system.
Details on the latest products and finishes are included in the company’s brochure, price list and installation guide, all of which are available from local Marbrex stockists.
MX covers areas such as new product development, employee progress, sales and customer service, environmental performance and finance amongst other categories.
Curtain walling and balcony doors were also installed to ensure an affordable, energy efficient and secure living block with a wind capacity of 2000Pa.
Over 600 Changing Places toilets have been supplied to public buildings across the UK after the latest Building Regulations Approved Document M 2013 regarded the facility as desirable.
With the ability to meet any boxing or casing specification, the complete range adheres to the latest EU Timber Regulations covering the supply of legally sources timbers.
The project uses 85% of recycled material to produce a building which can demonstrate ways in which to combat the 45% contribution to CO2 emissions created in the UK through architectural structures.