We have a long-standing business relationship with the team there, and we look forward to delivering a system that offers the headquarters the highest levels of fire safety and security.
The datasets featured on the interactive portal is UK Land from the GeoInformation Group, which identifies land usage throughout the UK, including the location and extent of 27 land use and land cover classes.
Marketing Manager at Crown Paints, Debbie Orr, said: We were eager to help the artists explore their responses to colour as we are very aware of how great an impact it has on us all.
Fully fabricated off site to allow for a rapid installation, the frames have enabled noise insulation expectations to be exceeded, as well as significantly improving the thermal efficiency of the windows.
The two day event includes a keynote speech by Greg Baker MP, Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, on the economic benefits of working towards a lower carbon economy.
Stroma offers services in air tightness and coheating testing, thermography, fabric surveying, thermal bridge calculations, simulation modelling and energy consultancy.
The Lady of Shalott is situated on the rivers new N1 cycle track which runs from Lincoln to Boston and was commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council.
Axion Consulting is currently involved in the VinylPlus funded research project, which aims to recycle non-infectious medical PVC waste from hospitals, such as IV fluid and oxygen bags.
Richard Halderthay, Director of Communications for Saint-Gobain UK, Ireland and South Africa, said: Our continued commitment to innovation and investment in people is key to our ranking as one of the most important multinationals in the UK economy.
The database provides information on orders raised and their performance assessments and will allow VINCI Construction to select more ways to monitor and measure its supply chain.