10 January 2014
Sustainable Drainage Systems fall under new legislation
Long-awaited new legislation will enable new local authority SuDS Approving Bodies (SABS) in England and Wales to officially start work approving and adopting SuDS proposed for new developments of more than property. The regulations will end a developer’s automatic right to connect to a public sewer. SuDS are often designed to achieve the three principles[…]
10 January 2014
Renewable energy can be generated through lakes and rivers
For properties that are located near rivers or lakes, water source heat pumps should certainly be considered if affordable energy sourcing and sustainability are desired.A water source system is usually a preferred option for heat pumps, wherever possible, because it offers the most efficient method of heat extraction for a heat pump, in comparison to[…]
10 January 2014
Exterior folding door hardware offers a high security solution
SecurityExterior folding doors can help create the vision but, due to the opening size, there is a need to ensure that the gear system provided has the high performance of a secure solution. There are different performance and test standards for burglar resistance for folding door systems: the European wide EN 1627, and the UK specific[…]
10 January 2014
Architecture Awards held at BATIMAT praises Europes best designers
The Platform of Arts and Creativity incorporates unifying abstract cubic forms with a grid of brass profiles Four awards were made from ten shortlisted projects. The outright winner was Platform of Arts and Creativity, Guimarães, Portugal designed by Pitágoras Aquitectos. This regeneration of the ancient centre of one of Portugals most historically important cities[…]
10 January 2014
Celcon Blocks can be used to meet Approved Document Part L criteria
The revised document discusses how H+H aircrete blocks and Thin-Joint System can help meet regulations when used with different levels of insulation. The new criteria that must be met is as follows: For new homes an approximate 6% improvement to CO2 targets on Part L 2010, with a focus on fabric performance. For non-domestic buildings there[…]