This piece from Safeguard Europe explores how renters with private landlords are more likely to suffer due to damp and mould than those with public sector landlords.
As part of a redevelopment at Peterborough’s Fletton Quays, Granada Glazing has designed, manufactured & installed bespoke arched secondary glazing systems.
Crown Paints has helped to breathe new life into hundreds of rural phone boxes, as part of a nationwide scheme to provide local communities with access to vital emergency medical equipment.
Aggregate Industries has helped complete a 31-bedroom extension to a care home located in a Cotswold town, after supplying products from its Bradstone range.
With over 25 years of industry experience, Doors and Windows Exeter have an extensive background delivering top-quality windows, doors and glass extensions.
My Trade Windows produce and supply uPVC windows, doors, and conservatories for customers and trade projects across Surrey, Hampshire and the surrounding area.
The Royal Gunpowder Mills heritage site in Waltham Abbey, Essex, has been given a new lease of life with a roof refurbishment using Sika Sarnafil products.
CUPA PIZARRAS’ thick Heavy 3 natural slate roofing has been specified and installed for an exceptional, Arts and Crafts-style large, private family home in Scotland’s Gleneagles.