• 20 February 2014

14 February 2014

Ecobuild 2014 for all the latest in sustainable construction

Launched a decade ago, Ecobuild brings the industry together to champion a cleaner, greener, efficient and more sustainable built environment. Visit the Design, Green Energy and Future Cities content zones and seminar sessions. Content remains at the heart of Ecobuild and its information programme attracts over 600 speakers. Ministers and VIPs include: Ed Davey MP[…]

  • 14 February 2014

  • 13 February 2014

11 February 2014

Trade Show ‘selfies’ competition to find the face of FIT Show 2014

Be the face of FIT Show   After you have uploaded your selfies to The FIT Show Twitter and Facebook page, along with a short description as to why you should win, The FIT Show‘s expert panel will judge the entries. The competition will run from February 10th – March 10th 2014 1st PrizeYour winning[…]

  • 11 February 2014

  • 04 February 2014

30 January 2014

Vinyl flooring recycling event celebrates the renewal of materials

The ceremony will be hosted by BBC Sport’s Mark Lawrenson, a defender in the Liverpool and Ireland football teams of the 1980’s, with a range of Gold, Silver and Bronze awards being presented over a range of categories, including Construction Project of the Year, Distributor of the Year, as well as the Oustanding Achievement and […]

  • 30 January 2014

  • 28 January 2014

  • 27 January 2014

22 January 2014

Timber frame construction training dates released for 2014

The training days take place at BM TRADA’s headquarters on the following dates:• March 11th• May 7th• September 25th• November 5th For more information including costs and booking details, visit www.bmtrada.com/technical/trainingor contact the training department on 01494 569620 or email [email protected].

  • 22 January 2014

21 January 2014

Timber strength grading courses launched for industry employees

The dates for the softwood training and refresher courses are as follows:• 3rd to 7th February• 28th April to 2nd May• 6th to 7th February• 1st to 2nd May The additional Hardwood VSG training course dates are as follows:• 16th to 18th July• 26th to 28th November For more details, visit www/bmtrada.com/technical/training or to book a place, phone 01494 569725 or[…]

  • 21 January 2014