CCF held a virtual event to highlight its aims for the rest of 2021 and successes from the last year. Catherine Gibson, Managing Director at CCF, shares key updates from the virtual event and CCF’s future plans.
Impact sound can be dramatically reduced in the separating floors of domestic, commercial and public buildings by using Hush-Panel 28 to create a floating floor.
Stannah had the challenge to supply and install a space-saving passenger lift in a new extension to St John The Baptist Primary School in Penistone, South Yorkshire.
Fellowes is calling on landlords, business owners and facilities managers to proactively approach occupant health with new measures, particularly as the nation returns to work.
Delta Registered Installers, Arti Structural Waterproofing Ltd, offered an effective, fast installation and maintainable, Type C waterproofing solution to a private dwelling – on time and on budget.
ITV television show I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here is breaking new ground, with the opening of ‘the ultimate jungle encounter’ indoor entertainment attraction – ventilation comes from Gilberts Blackpool.