Building Services
09 December 2020
Newton and Axter partner to combine waterproofing expertise
08 December 2020
Vortice DePuro Pro purifies air in office environment
08 December 2020
Recovinyl: PVC recycling reaches a new high in UK and Ireland
08 December 2020
Who should use air conditioning guards for safer heating?
07 December 2020
Contour introduces bespoke air conditioning guards
04 December 2020
GEZE helping hotels back to health
04 December 2020
Waterproofing Design – a robust solution from Delta
The British Standard regarding structural waterproofing is BS8102:2009 – this standard encourages the use of a Waterproofing Design Specialist to a design team, explain Delta Membranes. NHBC Chapter 5.4 mirrors these guidelines. In cases of litigation or disputes both BS8102:2009 and NHBC Chapter 5.4 will be used as a benchmark. Both standards place great emphasis[…]