Rinnai has announced that it will be holding three contractor/installer-based training courses over the coming months at the company’s purpose-built training facility in Runcorn, Cheshire.
Over two decades after installation, The Kingspan KoolDuct System is continuing to deliver supreme thermal comfort, humidity control and ventilation performance at the National Library of Wales.
The Potting Shed restaurant pub in Langley, Kent; the latest refurbishment project to benefit from Infinity – Alumasc Rainwater’s high-performance steel rainwater system.
When social landlord Contour Homes was looking for a new chiller, the installation of three Mitsubishi Electric EAHV-P900YA-N e-series heat pump chillers was recommended.
This year, ‘Being Brunel’, a dockside museum, has opened at Brunel’s SS Great Britain and Stannah has installed a seventh lift at the fully wheelchair accessible site, as the company furthers its association with the Brunel project.
Gilberts Blackpool has ensured a new state-of-the-art facility for a cadets’ shooting range has seen air quality balanced with airflow to avoid interference with ballistic trajectory.