• 08 August 2014

  • 07 August 2014

  • 05 August 2014

04 August 2014

Timber frame courses examine building methods and engineering guidance

Meanwhile, the timber frame training course, which takes place on 25th September and 20th November, includes information on Building Regulations, thermal bridging, air tightness, fire safety, acoustic performance and cladding. To book contact the training department on 01494 569620 or email [email protected].

  • 04 August 2014

  • 04 August 2014

  • 28 July 2014

  • 28 July 2014

  • 25 July 2014

09 July 2014

Timber Focus seminars at Timber Expo

The seminar sessions are designed to appeal to everyone interested in timber, but particularly clients, contractors, architects and engineers who are increasingly using more and more wood products throughout the built environment. The Eight Core Themes• Pushing Boundaries: stretching imaginations• Training and Talent: growing your business through people. • Resource: Directors’ briefings• Innovation: designing the future• Engineers and Timber: ingenious structures[…]

  • 09 July 2014

  • 09 July 2014