Washroom Washroom has secured over a million pounds of work across several major refurbishment projects, meaning it’s on track for another record-breaking year.
Emerald Headingley Stadium is believed to the UK’s first multi sport international venue to be fully accessible when it comes to toilets, courtesy of Closomat.
Bull Products has strengthened its presence in the rail industry, courtesy of a large contract for London’s Crossrail Tunnels project – one of Europe’s largest infrastructure projects.
Charcon Hard Landscaping, a division of Aggregate Industries, has successfully completed the supply of paving, steps, cladding and coping to Burlington Plaza.
The London Gunnnersbury Park Museum is a prime example of how high-performance acoustic solutions, from companies such as Troldtekt, can solve the problem of noise in public places.
Exposure to natural light has a direct impact on productivity, mental and physical wellbeing, as well as the overall aesthetics of a property, as Quickslide have explained…